

Contrary to popular belief, financial planning doesn’t have to be an exclusive club for the wealthy and well-established. We all need to start somewhere. Sienna, a vibrant and ambitious nursing student, is breaking the mold and, at just 23 years old, is already laying the groundwork for a secure financial future thanks to her relationship with Everything Financial.

With just one year left in nursing school, Sienna is driven by her desire to care for others and a deep love for science, specifically biology. Her outlook on life is viewed through a holistic lens, believing that physical ailments are connected to emotions and spirit, and she sees the bigger picture and strives for balance in all areas of her life. Fluent in French and a lover of the outdoors, Sienne embodies a zest for life that is infectious and inspiring. She dreams of owning a business, traveling and earning her Master’s degree. Her drive and ambition are contagious and ultimately led her to Everything Financial.

A friend introduced Sienna to our team – she wanted to feel safe and secure as she navigated the complexities of personal finance with her goals in mind, especially as she considers home ownership in a fluctuating and challenging housing market.

“I want to feel prepared and confident in how I should manage my finances to help me realize my goals,” Sienna explains. “I still believe that if we seek out opportunities and make them work for us, it’s going to be okay. I will make my dream home happen and my career work for me.”

Sienna’s first consultation with Everything Financial was in February 2024. Despite not yet having a formal Omni Formula plan, the resources and advice she received have already made an impact. What set our team apart for Sienna was the welcoming and non-judgmental atmosphere.

“They’re genuinely interested in seeing me succeed,” Sienna notes. “I don’t feel like just a paycheck to them, which is a huge difference from my experience with banks.”

Sienna feels empowered to take control of her finances in a way she never thought possible. By examining her spending habits and eliminating unnecessary subscriptions, she has already saved money. Through guidance from our team, Sienna has learned the importance of paying close attention to where her money goes, making the process of budgeting and investing less daunting.

“Money doesn’t have to be scary. Investing doesn’t have to be scary. Banking doesn’t have to be scary,” Sienna asserts. “They’ve encouraged me to take small steps so I can be confident in making bigger steps in life.”

For Sienna, Everything Financial has given her the confidence to dream big and pursue her goals. She believes financial freedom means having a positive balance in life, allowing her to live comfortably and to provide for her future family. “My dreams aren’t too big. With help.”

Her most important piece of advice? “It’s never too early or too late to start. Building your confidence with financial planning is crucial. You don’t need to be rich to do this. One uncomfortable conversation can be the turning point that changes your life for the better.”

Sienna’s story is a testament to the fact that financial planning is truly for anyone with dreams and ambitions, regardless of age or stage in life. Your dreams are within reach, and we have the tools and advice you need to navigate your financial future. We offer sound financial advice for everyone, with no required minimums. That’s our promise. Contact us today to get started.